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Table of Organization for Jiphyeonjeon and Office of Royal Lectures

jiphyeonjeon, hall of worthies, office of royal lectures

Introducing the Hall of Worthies (Jiphyeonjeon)

Currently I'm editing Korean and English subtitles for 'Deep Rooted Tree' on viki.com.

In this post, I will provide an introduction to the staff and their ranks within the Hall of Worthies (Jiphyeonjeon).

Gyeongbokgung sujeongjeon
Author: Cultural Heritage Administration, original source
Gyeongbok Palace - Sujeong Jeon was used as Jiphyeonjeon

But before we delve into the titles of the staff, let's briefly introduce Jiphyeonjeon.

The Jiphyeonjeon system originated during the Han Dynasty and consisted of various positions such as teachers, librarians, writers, and editors who held important roles in the government.

It was first referred to as "Jiphyeonjeon" during the Goryeo Dynasty under King Injong, but its prominence declined over time.

Establishing Confucian rituals and promoting Confucian ideology were long-term goals.

In 1420, during the second year of King Sejong's reign, Jiphyeonjeon was established within the palace. It served as an academic research institution, collecting and utilizing books, conducting scholarly activities, and providing counsel to the king.

Despite its relatively short existence of 37 years, Jiphyeonjeon held great historical significance.

Many influential figures in politics, institutions, and culture during the reigns of Sejo to Seongjong were alumni of Jiphyeonjeon.

They made notable contributions to institutions such as the compilation of the "Gyeongguk Daejeon (The State Code)" and played a crucial role in promoting Confucianism in Joseon society.

Jiphyeonjeon served as a significant driving force in shaping the political, institutional, and cultural landscape of early Joseon.

Now, let's take a look at the ranks and titles of the staff members:




Staffing level

1 Sr.

영집현전사=영전사 (領集賢殿事, 領殿事)

Superintendent (of Jiphyeonjeon)


 Yeong-jip-hyeon-jeon-sa, Yeong-jeon-sa

1 Jr.





2 Sr.

대제학 (大提學)




2 Jr.

제학 (提學)

Deputy Director



3 Sr.

부제학 (副提學)

Assistant Director



3 Jr.

직제학 (直提學)

Second Deputy Director



4 Sr.

직전 (直殿)= 직집현전 (直集賢殿)

Hall Secretary, Advisor


 Jik-jeon, Jik-jip-hyeon-jeon

4 Jr.

응교 (應敎)

Responding Editor



5 Sr.

교리 (校理)

Principal Drafter



5 Jr.

부교리 (副校理)

Second Drafter



6 Sr.

수찬 (修撰)

Sixth Counselor



6 Jr.

부수찬 (副修撰)

Assistant Sixth Counselor



7 Sr.

박사 (博士)




7 Jr.





8 Sr.

저작 (著作)

First Copyist



8 Jr.





9 Sr.

정자 (正字)




9 Jr.






The remaining positions are to be filled by officials with salaried posts (녹관 祿官.)

Academician(학사) in the Hall of Worthies- 집현전학사 (集賢殿學士)

You can see 10 staff officers (낭청 郞廳= 당하관 堂下官을 말함) are to be placed under the assistant directors.

Principal Drafter, Second Drafter, Sixth Counselor, and Assistant Sixth Counselor concurrently held the position of Assistant commentator (부검토 副檢討.)

Sujeongjeon Hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace
Author: Cultural Heritage Administration, original source
Gyeongbok Palace - Sujeong Jeon was used as Jiphyeonjeon

Office of Royal Lectures (경연청 經筵廳 )

All of the Jiphyeonjeson officials concurrently hold the position of a royal lecturer (경연관 經筵官) in 1420.

경연 can be translated as Royal debates.

Also, in 1438 (the 12th year of King Sejong's reign), the number of positions was adjusted to 20. Among them, 10 officials served as royal lecturers, and the remaining 10 officials took on the role of lecturers for the Crown Prince (서연관 書筵官 Seoyeongwan.)

Furthermore, the Assistant Commentator (부검토 副檢討, Sr.5) held by the Senior 5 staff also had the title of First Secretary (司經 사경, Sr. 7) in the Office of Royal Lectures.

It's important to note that the order of the Assistant Deputy Directors was superior to that of the Censors (지사간원사 知司諫院事, 사관 司諫 Jr. 3.)

With this hierarchical structure and the combined responsibilities of the staff members, the Hall of Worthies played a crucial role in the intellectual and administrative functioning of the Joseon Dynasty.

I hope this information can be of assistance to anyone who may find it useful.

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